Month: September 2021

#150 How To Know What You Stand For with Dan Jukes

If you have hope, if you have immense amounts of love and you have freedom, what else do you really need to build a great life? – Dan Jukes
What do I stand for? I stand for possibility. I literally stand for infinite possibilities but I suppose with hope, love and, freedom. That is about possibilities, right? – Pete Cohen

#145 The Magnificent 7 with Dr. Bob Rakowski

It is the 365th episode of Mi365 Podcast. The first podcast I had was also with the same person we have today. Get to know more about Dr. Bob Rakowski and The Magnificent 7. There are no shortcuts to health as discussed by Dr. Rakowski and know the effects of the food we eat. One interesting concept that he discussed is the powerful nature’s pharmacy and superfoods.