3 Habits Videos


Let’s get started! I’ll show you how to break the habits which have been holding you back, install the habits of the success and get clarity on the future you want to create.

Habit 1

Meet your Future Self

The first habit you need to install is to build a relationship with your future self. Most of us are creating a future we don’t want. It’s time to choose a different future.

Habit 2

Stop Procrastinating, Making Excuses, Ruminating and Getting Distracted

So often we know what needs to be done but we don’t do it. We ‘don’t feel like it’ and make excuses or allow ourselves to get distracted. Invest in your future and use your future self to guide your actions.

Habit 3

Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

In life we always have choice – to invest in our future or to keep doing what we’ve always done and keep getting the same results. Just imagine who you could be if you just got out of your own way.

Future Self Meditation

Download the Stop One Start One habit tracking app

Access the Stop One Start One App which gives you:

The FREE 3 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life training

My ground-breaking 30-Day Kick Start programme to unlock your potential.

A daily habit tracker and check-ins for the one thing you want to START and the one thing you want to STOP to achieve your goals

Rewards for achieving your habits and completing other tasks

Journaling tools to record your progress to a life worth living

Access to a community of like-minded people, all working to create their own fantastic future.

Access to a community of like-minded people, all working to create their own fantastic future.

Download Here:

“The measure of success as a keynote speaker and coach is not just relevance but impact. And not just the immediate impact on the day, but the lasting impact of the days, weeks and even years afterwards. It’s all about leaving an imprint and resonating with your entire audience. You create a buzz, people have had fun, they’re inspired by fresh insights and new interactions and they can’t wait to try them out for themselves.” 

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